
El Seminario Espíritu y Vida admite a solicitantes calificados independientemente de su sexo, raza, color, origen nacional o étnico. Se hace todo lo posible para garantizar que el proceso de admisión sea lo más fluido posible.

Requisitos de admisión para el programa de certificación

La admisión al programa de Certificado en Estudios Ministeriales y Teológicos requiere uno de los siguientes:

La Prueba de Capacidad para Beneficiarse (ATB) es una prueba generada por el Seminario Espíritu y Vida que está aprobada por la Comisión de Educación Superior de Tennessee. A petición, la prueba se administrará en un entorno seguro con un supervisor presente. El estudiante debe mostrar prueba de identificación, la cual será verificada por el supervisor. El estudiante debe obtener un puntaje mínimo de 30 respuestas correctas de un total de 50 posibles. El estudiante tiene 30 minutos para completar la prueba. El estudiante puede tomar la Prueba ATB un máximo de tres veces en un período de seis meses. El costo de la prueba es de $25.00 por intento. La tarifa no es reembolsable, pero el solicitante puede contactar al gerente de admisiones antes de la fecha de la prueba para reprogramar si surge un conflicto.

Requisitos de admisión para el programa de licenciatura

El solicitante deberá presentar uno de los expedientes académicos de grado postsecundario:

El solicitante deberá tener un grado asociado completado en educación general o un grado asociado en un campo relacionado.

The degree must be from an accredited institution by an accredited agency recognized by CHEA or the US Department of Education. The Associate’s degree must have a minimum of 30 credit hours in general education. To meet general education requirements, the student must have the following credits: at least a minimum of 3 hours in humanities/fine arts, a minimum of 3 credit hours in behavioral/social science, and a minimum of 3 credit hours in natural science/math. Up to 24 credits from the associates will be applied to elective hours. The 24 elective credits cannot be duplicated from the credits that are offered at Spirit & Life Seminary. The transfer degree GPA must be a minimum of 2.0.

 Students must complete a minimum of 54 credits and 30 of them in General Education. To meet general education requirements, the student must have the following credits: at least a minimum of 3 hours in humanities/fine arts, a minimum of 3 credit hours in behavioral/social science, and a minimum of 3 credit hours in natural science/ math. Up to 24 credits from the associates will be applied to elective hours. The 24 elective credits cannot be duplicated from the credits that are offered at Spirit & Life Seminary. The GPA for each credit must be 2.0 or higher. The credits must be completed at an accredited institution that is accredited by an accredited agency that is recognized by CHEA or the US Department of Education. 

The degree must be completed at an accredited institution that is accredited by an accredited agency that is recognized by CHEA or the US Department of Education. The Bachelor’s degree must have a minimum of 30 credit hours in general education. To meet general education requirements, the student must have the following credits: at least a minimum of 3 hours in humanities/fine arts, a minimum of 3 credit hours in behavioral/social science, and a minimum of 3 credit hours in natural science/math. Up to 24 credits from the Bachelor’s degree will be applied to elective hours. The 24 elective credits cannot be duplicated from the credits that are offered at Spirit & Life Seminary. The transfer degree GPA must be a minimum of 2.0.

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